Greetings Earthlings,
I'm assuming if you are reading this post you have a least a mild interest in the existence of this planet. If you don't you should, so maybe keep reading anyway.
One of my goals for 2020 was to be more aware of my impact on the environment and taking action to better it. I am by no means perfect, but I'm trying and that is what is important. If we all try, even just a little bit, the world will be a better place.
Heres what I have been doing:
1) Changing my amazon packaging preferences.
- Although not shopping on Amazon is better for our local communities sometimes there are still items that we must purchase online.
@Preethi Krishnamorthy initiated this idea that spread on face.
How do you do it?
- Open your Amazon account
- Go to 'Help/Customer Service'
- Go to 'Chat' option
- On chat, request to make all future orders plastic-free with minimal packaging and where absolutely necessary use only degradable packaging materials like paper.

During my experience chatting with Amazon, the representative told me they had received many requests to fix this issue. They said they would "escalate" this concern on their end. I then requested that a note be added to my account.
So they added a note, will this actually affect the amount of plastic I receive from Amazon? I'll update you on that soon.
2) Carrying loads of things out of the store in my arms when I forget my reusable bags, which is often.
Many people, better than I, have been using reusable bags for years! Did you know plastic shopping bags are outlawed in TEN states? I hope this number grows in 2020 to encompass even more states, but until then here's a tip. If you forget your reusable bags in your car, push your cart full of unbagged items out to your vehicle and put them in the bags in the car. Or you can fill your arms and look like a fool like I do! I'm convinced it is definitely starting to make other people feel guilty that they are using 10 bags.

3) Keep it in your car!
I know I'm talking a lot about keeping stuff in your car. But I am basically living out of that yellow beauty during this stage of life. I've learned if you are going to need something, that you'll likely forget, just KEEP it in the car. So that's what I did. In my trunk, I have a milk crate stocked with my reusable goodies. Metal straws, reusable coffee cups, reusable soda cups, a Tupperware for leftovers when I eat out, and of course the shopping bags that I never remember to take into the store.
Chat soon!
Love always,