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Safer at Home Extended

Writer's picture: Alonna HellerAlonna Heller

The end felt insight when I rolled out of bed at 10 am this morning. I've been avoiding the news, although what I had heard was positive. The number of COVID-19 cases were dropping, steady, or at the very least not increasing in the communities around me.

That changed a little when during class, a colleague of mine shared that Wisconsin's safer at home order had been extended till May 26th. Unlike some people, I am not angry at Governor Evers for making this decision. I understand that we are in unprecedented times. And that means that we will never know until it is too late, if the actions taken are "overkill".

Sure, high school seniors are missing their last proms. College graduates are losing the opportunity to walk across the stage. Weddings are being postponed. Parties canceled. I can't go out for a latte with my friends or take photos of any of my gorgeous clients.

It sucks!

It really does!!

But people are dying. People with families, grandchildren, spouses, friends. Average people that are just like you... Just like me.

In situations like these, it is hard to know what is right, or what is wrong. But in the face of uncertainty, I have hope for the future. Hope, that we will come out of this pandemic as better humans, better friends, with kinder souls, and more patience. We will love each other more. We will smile at strangers, and hug our parents. We will put down the technology and remember what it is like to connect with one another. We will rediscover the power of saying "Thank You" to someone who didn't ask to be thanked.

After this is over I hope we are focused on being happy... Truly happy.

I hope we can rediscover what it means to be "human".

That we can remember that it is a blessing to have a home to be safer in, to be alive.

All my love,



P.S. If you are struggling during these times please know you are not alone. The world needs you.

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